

CWU – TUC Decent Jobs Week – 15-21 Dec 2014

Millions of people in the UK are trapped in low paid, insecure jobs. There are more than 1.4 million zero-hours contracts in use offering no steady […]

CWU Youth – TUC Young Workers Month

November 2014 has been designated by the TUC as Young Workers Month. The aim of the campaign is to highlight the issues that young workers face, […]

Mersey Annual General Meeting

With Christmas approaching, it’s time for your branch officers to start organising for the branch Annual General Meeting which this year takes place on THURSDAY 5th […]

CWU Insurance – Special Offer

Would you like to save up to 40% off Home Insurance?* As well as this great offer, here are some more reasons to get a quote […]

CWU Political Fund Ballot

A big thank you to all those of you who took part in the recent CWU Political Fund Ballot. The ballot was not about what the […]

CWU Political Fund Ballot

A big thank you to all those of you who took part in the recent CWU Political Fund Ballot. The ballot was not about what the […]

CWU Hidden Disabilities Week – November 2014

The Disability Advisory Committee, together with the Equal Opportunities Department, have launched a new initiative to raise awareness around disabilities that cause millions of people difficulty […]

CWU Mersey Branch – Retired Membership

If you are over 55, and are considering early retirement or voluntary redundancy don’t forget you can continue your CWU Membership after you leave and there […]

CWU Call Centre Action Month – October 2014

October 2014 was CWU Call Centre Action Month. As part of a series of National Events, CWU Mersey Branch held events in two BT Buildings, Lancaster […]