CWU Mersey Branch – Retired Membership

CWU Call Centre Action Month – October 2014
CWU Hidden Disabilities Week – November 2014

CWU Mersey Branch – Retired Membership

If you are over 55, and are considering early retirement or voluntary redundancy don’t forget you can continue your CWU Membership after you leave and there are several good reasons for doing so.

If for instance you continued working but for another employer, we can continue to give you representation should you require it in areas such as personal injury, employment law, or advice over a grievance with your employer. We already have members in over twenty different companies that are currently members of the Branch, and who continue to remain with us because of the security in employment they receive.

Even if you are not in employment, you would still be entitled as a CWU member to the following:

  • Free legal advice and assistance for accidents for you and your family
  • Ongoing death benefit grant which currently stands at £732
  • Special rates on a variety of Insurance’s, such as Home, Life and Motoring
  • Free Union diary and other promotional gifts from the Branch each year

If you become a retired member, you also receive regular bulletins from the Retired Members Advisory Committee called ‘Grey Matters’, which gives you information on what is affecting pensioners through government policy. There are also regular meetings in the North West that you may like to attend, where you can listen to national spokespersons discussing what is impacting on pensioners tody.

You can get information about all the current services and benefits through our web pages or through THE VOICE, the Union’s regular magazine which will be sent out to your home address, but is also available electronically. See for details.

Finally I should mention that you will receive all of the above at a reduced rate which we can advise you of when you get in touch.