BT Consumer: Agency Conversions

CWU Mersey Branch
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CWU Call Centre Action Month – October 2014

BT Consumer: Agency Conversions

CWU Mersey Branch was pleased to see the announcements last week of a significant number of Agency to BT conversions in BT Consumer.

These welcome conversions are a direct result of the CWU’s continuing campaign on behalf of agency workers. This also fulfils a key part of the recent Workforce 2020 Agreement which included a commitment by BT to offer at least 250 long term agency staff BT contracts.

In order for agency staff to be offered a BT contract they must have over 24 months service at 1st September 2014 and not have any live warnings related to conduct, sickness, late attendance or performance. At the moment an estimate of over 270 staff nationally meet this criteria with nearly 40 of these being based in the Warrington Contact Centre.

Existing members are in the process of being written to so their Union Subscriptions can continue despite the change in employer, and any non-members are now being asked to consider joining. If you are one of the individuals being converted and you don’t hear from us for some reason, get in touch with us to make sure your Union Membership continues uninterrupted.